SAM Registration Checklist

The System for Award Management, commonly referred to as SAM, is a vital tool for any organization aiming to do business with the U.S. Federal Government. The SAM serves as a consolidated database that federal agencies use to find potential contractors, making registration a requirement for businesses that wish to bid on federal contracts or grants. While the registration process can be cumbersome and laden with paperwork, careful preparation can streamline the experience.

In this article, we present a linear, step-by-step guide to help you understand the essentials of SAM registration, from obtaining initial identification numbers to filling out your corporate and financial information. This SAM Registration Checklist aims to take the complexity out of the equation, offering you a straightforward path to completion.

Also, read our article on SAM Registration Benefits

The Preliminary Steps Of SAM Registration Process: SAM Registration Checklist

Step 1: Obtain a D-U-N-S Number

The first step in your SAM Registration Checklist should be obtaining a Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S) number. This unique nine-digit identifier is necessary for any business intending to contract with the federal government and is issued by Dun & Bradstreet.

Detailed Process:

  1. Go to the Dun & Bradstreet website and find the section for obtaining a D-U-N-S number.
  2. Complete the online application form. You will need to provide basic information about your business, including the legal name, physical address, and owner details.
  3. After the form is filled out, submit it, and usually within one to two business days, you’ll receive your D-U-N-S number.

The D-U-N-S number is free of charge and serves as a global business identifier. It often serves as a reference point for credit checks and business validation for government entities and private companies alike.

Step 2: Register an EIN or TIN

The Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is another essential element you will need for SAM registration.

Detailed Process:

  1. Visit the IRS website to apply for an EIN or TIN.
  2. You’ll typically be directed to Form SS-4, which you can fill out online.
  3. Upon successful submission, you’ll receive your EIN or TIN through email or physical mail.

An EIN or TIN acts as a social security number for your business, required for tax filing and reporting purposes. Ensure you keep this number secure.

Step 3: Establish a Business Bank Account

Before registering in SAM, you should set up a business bank account, which needs to be separate from your personal bank account.

Detailed Process:

  1. Visit your chosen bank with your D-U-N-S number, EIN or TIN, and business-related documents like articles of incorporation.
  2. Speak to a business banking representative to open an account, choosing the type that suits your business needs.
  3. Once the account is active, secure your banking details as you will need them for SAM registration.

This account will be used for all transactions related to federal contracts and grants, ensuring a clear financial trail and compliance with federal requirements.

Check out the article on SAM Registration Tips

Step 4: Identify NAICS and PSC Codes

Your business must be classified under the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and the Federal Product and Service Codes (PSC).

Detailed Process:

  1. To identify the appropriate NAICS code for your business, visit the U.S. Census Bureau’s website and search for codes that best describe your business operations.
  2. Similarly, to determine your PSC code, visit the Federal Service Desk website and browse or search the available categories.

These codes help federal agencies identify the services or goods you provide, enabling them to match your business with relevant contracts.

The Registration Process: Completing the SAM Profile

Step 5: Create a Account

You need a account to begin your SAM registration process

Detailed Process:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Follow the step-by-step guide to creating a new account.
  3. Confirm your email address and choose multi-factor authentication options for enhanced security.

The account will serve as your gateway to various U.S. federal government online services, not just SAM.

Step 6: Create an MPIN

The Marketing Partner ID Number (MPIN) is a unique code that acts as your password for various government operations. 

Detailed Process:

  1. After logging into SAM with your credentials, locate the section where you can create your MPIN.
  2. Your MPIN should meet SAM’s security criteria, so carefully read the requirements before creating it.

The MPIN will be used for different activities like bidding on contracts, so ensure it is something you remember but also secure.

Step 7: Obtain a CAGE Code

During your SAM registration, a Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code will be assigned automatically. This code will be essential for federal contracts and grants.

Detailed Process:

  1. The code is generated upon the successful initiation of your SAM profile.
  2. No action is typically required from your end to obtain this code.

Step 8-11: Populate Your SAM Profile

These steps involve filling out your business details, corporate structure, and financial information, and appointing points of contact.

Detailed Process:

  1. Basic business information: Include your official business name, physical and mailing addresses, and contact details.
  2. Corporate details: Indicate the type of business structure you have, whether it’s an LLC, Corporation, or Partnership. Provide details about ownership, and if publicly traded, include your stock symbol.
  3. Financials: Input your banking details, and upload necessary financial statements or documents.
  4. Points of Contact: Assign the personnel who will act as the Government Business POC, Electronic Business POC, and Past Performance POC. These individuals will be the key contacts for federal agencies looking to verify or inquire about your business.

Step 12: Complete Representations and Certifications (Reps and Certs)

This is a declaration step where you assert your business’s size, socio-economic status, and other statutory details.

Detailed Process:

  1. Navigate to the Representations and Certifications section in the SAM registration process.
  2. Follow the instructions to complete this step, which may include uploading specific documents or providing additional information.

Post-Registration Steps

Step 13: Review and Submit Your SAM Registration

Once you’ve populated your SAM profile and filled in the required details, make sure to review everything carefully. Ensure that all the information is accurate, as any mistakes can lead to delays in approval or ineligibility for contracts.

Step 14: Activate Your SAM Registration

After successfully submitting your profile, you will receive an activation link via email. Follow the instructions to activate your SAM registration, which usually involves clicking the link and confirming your details.

Step 15: Annual Renewal and Updating

Remember that SAM registrations are only valid for one year and require renewal. Moreover, if any business details change, you must update your SAM profile accordingly.

Also, check our article on the SAM Registration Renewal Process

Conclusion On SAM Registration Checklist

SAM registration can seem daunting, but with a systematic approach using this SAM Registration Checklist, the task becomes much more manageable. Each step, from obtaining your D-U-N-S number to activating your SAM profile, serves as a building block to your federal contracting opportunities. Accurate and thorough registration not only fulfills a federal requirement but also opens the doors to a world of opportunities in the extensive federal marketplace. Thus, invest the time and effort required to make your SAM profile a strong representation of your business.


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