Any government contractor may find it difficult to sell to the government, but by concentrating on a few crucial ideas and recommendations, you may give your public sector efforts some structure and help your business succeed in the government marketplace.

One of the biggest problems your business can encounter is developing a government sales practice. Before you can take advantage of the opportunities of federal marketing that exist for your business, you need to have a go-to-market plan in place. The top five suggestions for growing your government sales are as follows:

  • Determine the Best Contract Vehicle for Your Company
  • Create a Sales and Marketing Plan for the Government
  • Where to Look for Opportunities for Government Contracts
  • Determine Your Competition and Outsell Them
  • Create and Operate a Pipeline

Federal Marketing Tips: Determine The Best Contract Vehicle For Your Company

The first thing you should do when choosing the best contract vehicle for your business is to understand the goods and services you are providing to the government. Remember that the contract vehicle your business finally decides to use relies on the market you will be selling to. It is mandatory to have General Services Administration (GSA) Multiple Award Schedule if you want to sell to the federal government. You can also sell to specific local and state governments that take part in cooperative buying by using a GSA Schedule. You might need to sign up for their federal marketing procurement site if your business wants to sell to a state or local government that does not take part in cooperative procuring with the GSA. Established contractors can now offer goods and services under their GSA Multiple Award Schedule Contract that were previously beyond the parameters of their Schedule thanks to the GSA MAS Consolidation.

federal marketing plan discussion

Create A Sales And Marketing Plan For The Government

What should you do now that you’ve determined which type of contract is best for your business? The creation of your government marketing plan is the next crucial phase. This may be accomplished in several ways, including expanding your business’ website to include a government section, case studies, and whitepapers, and enhanced LinkedIn visibility. Make sure to include a section devoted to your government and public sector products on your website, which serves as the public’s first impression of your business and is frequently a significant investment. This will help you build your brand recognition of federal marketing among government buyers. When things get back to normal, it’s a good idea to list case studies, whitepapers, trade exhibits, and other government events on your website.

Where To Look For Opportunities For Government Contracts

You must register in the System for Award Management if you want to conduct business with the US government (SAM). It’s crucial to remember that almost all government contract opportunities, both at the federal and state levels of government, may be found on web-based eCommerce platforms.

You should think about utilizing the following resources for federal contracting opportunities: for the GSA eBuy Federal Procurement Data System – Next Generation

You might want to think about focusing on the following resources for state and local contract opportunities:

  • State-run websites for buying
  • City and County Purchasing Portals
  • Forecasts for state purchases

Determine Your Competition And Outsell Them

There will always be rivals who can easily be avoided. While a rival may not provide the same solution or service, the differences between your business and the rival let you stand out in the RFI/RFQ/RFP process by creating a level playing field for similar product offers. There are, however, a variety of strategies to not just recognize but also outsell your rivals. As was already discussed, developing your web presence and government marketing plan is one method.

Finding the advantages that set you apart from your rivals might help you outsell them significantly. Government purchasers will find it simpler to select the finest solution that can meet and surpass their demands if you can make your business stand out from the competition. Keep in mind that while looking for a solution, government purchasers of federal marketing are evaluating a variety of choices and providers, and they sometimes don’t have time to carefully compare all the possibilities. Make it simple for them to understand how your solution differs from the competition.

Forecasts For State Purchases

What comes next after your business found a market opportunity that matched your product offering well and wins the award? Building and establishing a pipeline is one of the most crucial things you can do. You must keep track of your company’s wins, renewal contracts, government budget projections, and recompete prospects to do this.

Doing market research is one crucial piece of advice to keep in mind while creating and constructing your pipeline. To put it another way, decide which possibilities you believe might be a good fit for your business and add them to your pipeline. Taking the initiative and creating a 12- to 36-month pipeline can help your federal marketing business continue to succeed in the government sector. Expanding on current government contracts with extended task orders is another method for your business may grow your present pipeline.


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